Unhinged Comedy: 28th January 2018

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Sunday the 28th January 2018 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €10.

Book tickets here: http://unhingedcomedy.ie/

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

Marise Gaughan (@marisecomedy):


– Sean Nolan (@seannolancomedy):

Patrick Murray (@patserfolk):



– Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. He’s gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

– Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com

Unhinged Comedy: 26th April 2017

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Wednesday the 26th of April 2017 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €10.

Book tickets here: http://www.ticketweb.ie/event/unhinged-comedy-26th-april-2017-unhinged-comedy-club-hapenny-bridge-tickets/7375015?pl=unhinged

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

Aine Gallagher (@AineGallagher3):

Ireland’s fifth funniest Irish speaking comedian out of 8 Irish speaking comedians. Dublin based comedian with unique outlook on life. Strengths include developing up to 30 minute sets out of a 10 second social interaction on the bus. People are often amazed that such comedy gold could be available from the simplest of experiences? Some would argue it isn’t. Aine has a deadpan style, described as ‘divinely awkward’.”

Credits include:

– Runner Up Funny Women (UK and Ireland) 2014

– Edinburgh Fringe 2014

Bláithín de Burca (@BeingBla):

“Bláithín de Burca has been gigging around Dublin for about a year, with like, nothing to show for it. She started off doing stand-up through Irish – because why wouldn’t you, school was gas and we all know it – at Club Chonradh na Gaeilge, and has since gigged at the lesser-known International Bar, Whelan’s and Electric Picnic.

Bláithín has 2 day jobs, 2 cats and 2 problems but a bitch ain’t one. She is also a writer (you can’t prove she’s not), presenter, actor, pipedream haver and regular contributor to popular Youtube channel Facts. Follow Bláithín @beingbla on Twitter, not on the street please, she hates that.”

Marise Gaughan (@marisecomedy):

Marise has just moved back from LA, where she did stand up shows around the city, ranging from a run down restaurant that had a sewage problem and the famous comedy store. She only bombed at one of those.”marise_gaughan_web

Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. Hes gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com



– Kevin O’Sullivan (@subsullivan)

“His name is Kevin.”

Vodafone Comedy Festival 2014-2016

The International Comedy Club


Unhinged Comedy: 1st March 2017

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Wednesday the 1st of March 2017 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €8/€6.

Book tickets here: https://goo.gl/sriKkO

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

– Sean Nolan (@seannolancomedy):

“Sean has been performing stand up for 3 and a half years and has performed at the Vodafone comedy festival, the Kilkenny Cat Laughs festival and the Galway arts festival, and a regular at all of the top clubs in Ireland. In 2013 he won the nationally televised comedy competition “the new comedy awards.””

” has creativity to burn…might just herald greatness.”- Chortle

” This young Irishman sure knows how to write a gag”- The List

” The writing is impressive” – The Scotsman

Website: http://www.lisarichards.ie/comedians/sean-nolan-comedian#.VT98iiFViko


Kevin Larney:

“Kevin has won no awards nor accolades for his comedy but on the flip side no one has died or been seriously injured as a direct result of his shows to date.”


Marise Gaughan (@marisecomedy):

Marise has just moved back from LA, where she did stand up shows around the city, ranging from a run down restaurant that had a sewage problem and the famous comedy store. She only bombed at one of those.”


Jim Elliott (@Jimpetuous):

Originally from Washington DC, Jim is a regular feature at the Laughter Lounge and the International Comedy Club, a regular headliner at the Comedy Crunch.  He has performed at the Sky Cat Laughs festival in Kilkenny, the Vodafone Comedy Festival in Dublin, and the Body & Soul Festival in Westmeath. He’s opened for Reginald D Hunter, Andrew Maxwell, PJ Gallagher, Seann Walsh, Chris Martin, John Moloney, and Karl Spain. He’s even in a Rubberbandits video if you look closely enough.



Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. Hes gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com



Unhinged Comedy: 11th January 2017

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Wednesday the 11th of January 2017 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €8/€6.

Book tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/unhinged-comedy-tickets-17064337894

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

– Billy Anderson:

Billy Anderson is an American comedian who has resided in Ireland for over five years. He is the inaugural winner of the Charleston Comedy Festival and a lead writer for the forthcoming web series “The Ricky Erlando Show.”

Formerly a staple and stand-out in the talent-rich Atlanta comedy scene and after a brief hiatus from the Irish stand-up circuit, as of late Anderson has found his niche working in Irish clubs and rooms across the country.

He has featured and performed in such renowned clubs as the International, the Roisin Dubh and City Limits (Cork).”

“Self-deprecating, kinetic, and just plain silly, Anderson has an infectious energy and a likeable persona that is a treat to watch and a joy to behold.” — Charleston City Paper


Marise Gaughan (@marisecomedy):

Marise has just moved back from LA, where she did stand up shows around the city, ranging from a run down restaurant that had a sewage problem and the famous comedy store. She only bombed at one of those.”


John Kelly (@JellytheKelly91):

John Kelly has been performing stand up comedy for 2-years and has gigged across Ireland as well as in the United States. He is a recognized actor as well as a regular performer on the Facts. YouTube channel. He was meant to perform at Longitude last summer but had to babysit instead.”


Jim Elliott (@Jimpetuous):

Originally from Washington DC, Jim is a regular feature at the Laughter Lounge and the International Comedy Club, a regular headliner at the Comedy Crunch.  He has performed at the Sky Cat Laughs festival in Kilkenny, the Vodafone Comedy Festival in Dublin, and the Body & Soul Festival in Westmeath. He’s opened for Reginald D Hunter, Andrew Maxwell, PJ Gallagher, Seann Walsh, Chris Martin, John Moloney, and Karl Spain. He’s even in a Rubberbandits video if you look closely enough.



Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6-years. Hes gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com



Unhinged Comedy: 11th December 2016

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Sunday the 11th December 2016 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €8/€6.

Book tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/unhinged-comedy-tickets-19490430402

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

– Ruth Hunter (@ruthokhunter):

Ruth Hunter is an Irish comic with at least six panels per page. the sixth panel usually contains the punchline. She is existent and malleable. When left outside too long she forgets how she got there. She has performed at least several times before you read this sentence.

Oh, she won that duck they give you when you joke in public at that bar twice. It is also possible she was just talking to strangers in a bar and already owned at least one small duck.”

– Finalist in Gilded Balloons: So You Think Your Funny 2016 (2nd Place)


Marise Gaughan ():

Marise has just moved back from LA, where she did stand up shows around the city, ranging from a run down restaurant that had a sewage problem and the famous comedy store. She only bombed at one of those.”


Jason Brennan (@JasonCBrennan):

Jason’s just back from a year in Texas, where his stand up received overwhelmingly mixed reviews. Was it just the accent barrier, let’s find out?

Having gigged all around Dublin, and everywhere from Austin’s biggest comedy clubs to its smallest conspiracy theory open mics, Jason’s ready to make his debut on the Unhinged staged this week.”


– Edwin Sammon (@edwinsammon): 

Featured in Republic of Telly, the RTE Comedy Awards and winner of the coveted Father Ted Comedy Competition in 2011, a lover not a Tweeter, Edwin is one of the best stand ups in the country. He has played nearly every festival imaginable ranging from the Edinburgh Fringe to the Electric Picnic.”

“One of the best on the circuit” – Totally Dublin



Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. Hes gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July 2015.

Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com



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