Unhinged Comedy: 28th January 2018

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Sunday the 28th January 2018 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €10.

Book tickets here: http://unhingedcomedy.ie/

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

Marise Gaughan (@marisecomedy):


– Sean Nolan (@seannolancomedy):

Patrick Murray (@patserfolk):



– Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. He’s gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

– Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com

Unhinged Comedy: 10th December 2017

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Sunday the 10th of December 2017 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €10.

Book tickets here: http://unhingedcomedy.ie/

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

Padraig Williams (@p0dgey1):

“I’m old enough to know I know nothing now but young enough to still risk it all for nothing! We are all eejits in this life and if we weren’t we’d be doing it wrong! I just wanna make the world laugh.”


– Sean Nolan (@seannolancomedy):

“Sean has been performing stand up for 3 and a half years and has performed at the Vodafone comedy festival, the Kilkenny Cat Laughs festival and the Galway arts festival, and a regular at all of the top clubs in Ireland. In 2013 he won the nationally televised comedy competition “the new comedy awards.””

” has creativity to burn…might just herald greatness.”- Chortle

” This young Irishman sure knows how to write a gag”- The List

” The writing is impressive” – The Scotsman

Website: http://www.lisarichards.ie/comedians/sean-nolan-comedian#.VT98iiFViko

Patrick Murray (@patserfolk):



– Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. He’s gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

– Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com

Unhinged Comedy: 19th November 2017

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Sunday the 19th of November 2017 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €10.

Book tickets here: http://unhingedcomedy.ie/

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

– Darach McGarrigle (@DarachMcG):

“Darach is a Dublin based comedian who is a regular in all the major clubs around Dublin and Galway.”

– Show Me The Funny finalist 2016

– Forbidden Fruit finalist 2016

– Vodafone Comedy Carnival 2016


Oisin Hanlon (@OisinHanlon): 

“Oisin is a an alternative comic from Galway who’s been buzzing around the scene for a few years now. His style is unique, quirky and laugh inspiring.”


Patrick Murray (@patserfolk):



– Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6+ years. He’s gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

– Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com

Unhinged Comedy: 1st October 2017

Unhinged Comedy (@UnhingedComedy) on Sunday the 1st October 2017 in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn (). Doors 21:00. €10.

Book tickets here: http://unhingedcomedy.ie/

Unhinged Comedy’s Lineup:

Conor Drum ():

– Emma Doran (@EmmaLouDoran): 

Winner of Ha’penny Comedy Competition 2014.

Runner up Forbidden Fruit Comedy Search 2014

Runner Up Show me the Funny 2015

Vodafone Comedy Festival 2016

You can sometimes see Emma’s head popping up on Republic of Telly as well.

MummyPages: ‘if you’re looking for a good laugh you need to check out this lady’”


Patrick Murray (@patserfolk):



– Connor McDonough-Flynn (@ConMcFlynn)

Connor McDonough-Flynn’s been a comedian for 6-years. He’s gigged all around Ireland and Internationally.

His comedy is bizarre, bold and (un)balanced – he’s an arguably debatable spectator tempter. Connor will have you laughing away as he deals with the debaucherous topics that present themselves daily. The stimulating humdrum thoughts that arouse bemusement. And the oddball anecdotes that evoke howls, from the mouths, on your face. There’s a means to his madcap manoeuvres.

He put on his first solo show (hour special): “I’m Not Special” at The Workman’s Club in Dublin on the 13th of March, 2015.

He’s since began touring:  “I’m Not Special” bringing 5-shows to the Galway Fringe Festival in July, 2015.

– Finalist in the – Finalist in the Forbidden Fruit Comedy Talent Search.

“…incredibly funny and engaging…” – Trip Advisor

“…hilarious as he interacts with audience.” – Trip Advisor

“…the man with the longest name/craziest eyes in comedy…” – Danny O’Hanlon

Website: http://conmcflynn.com

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